Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sniff my asshole, teabaggers

TPM Muckraker

Missouri Tea Partiers, Joe The Plumber Join Movement Against 'Radical' Anti-Puppy Mill Legislation

The measure, which can be read in full here, is called Proposition B or the "Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act." It aims to help eliminate the "3000 puppy mills" in Missouri that constitute "30% of all puppy mills in the U.S.," according to Michael Markarian, the Chief Operating Officer of the HSUS.

Well, according to the Alliance For Truth, the main force behind the anti-Prop B movement, there is something much more nefarious afoot (er, apaw) in the HSUS measure. The Alliance For Truth claims that the HSUS has a "radical agenda" and is "misleading the public with its intentions on Prop B. The society seeks only to raise the cost of breeding dogs, making it ever-more difficult for middle-class American families to be dog-owners."

"They don't like animals," she said of the Humane Society of the United States.


The Alliance For Truth also has the support of some better-known conservative activists, like Joe 'The Plumber' Wurzelbacher, who wrote on the Alliance For Truth site that the HSUS is "cowardly hiding behind animal cruelty, lying to our citizens and taking our constitutional rights away - one state at a time."

He continues:

Spare me, Wurzelbacher. Wasn't your fifteen minutes up?

What. A. Crock. Of. Right-wing. Crap.

Puppy mills suck, and the proposed bill will only apply to breeders with 10 or more "brood mares" as I call them.

Our Maggie (given name "Naggy, Queen Of Beauty". Yeesh. Google it. We're No. 1! Unpaid. Heh.) was a brood mare at a puppy mill out in the Bay Area. Luckily, her owner got evicted and gave her to a rescue outfit and we adopted her. She's timid and skittish and barks at everything. She trusts us, but barely, and is always on the verge of getting the hell away. We can only presume that her social deprivation comes from the conditions of her early life, whatever they may have been.

Puppy mills need to be put out of business, period. There are plenty of dogs from shelters and rescue services, and from reputable breeders, directly or through a reputable pet shop.

All that aside, this is just another lame attempt by the wingnut whackjobs against all regulation of business, however despicable that business might be, and all government, particularly the fascist Nazi socialist Kenyan anti-colonialist godless commie fuck kind that WE elected. Sounds like there's a well-financed puppy mill lobby in Missouri as well.

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