Friday, October 29, 2010

Whirl'd Series

EssEffChron, links & photos.

A rally thong with the words "SF Baseball Torture" emblazoned on it might be the quintessential souvenir of the San Francisco Giants' memorable World Series season, but you won't find it in the team's official stores.

The thong, along with T-shirts that read "Fear the Beard," "Bustered," "Castoffs, Misfits, 2010 Champions" and "Let Tim Smoke," are part of a cottage industry of unofficial merchandise being sold online and on the streets around AT&T Park.

Wait'll I get my thong! You'll see some "Giants". Heh. Video of the inspiration for this. The unlicensed Cafe Press thong page is down. Some serious SF Giants lawyering, I suspect.

An 'only in Frisco' kinda oddly twisted (can a thong do that?) comment:

"I'm buying a rally thong for Mike Singletary. Maybe it will help him think clearer when choosing starting quarterbacks. Go Giants! ” by WayOuttaTune

Giants fans weren't the only ones selling merchandise on CafePress - someone, probably a Rangers fan, answered the rally thong with a T-shirt that reads:

"In Texas, only the players' wives wear thongs."

I hear they come off real easy too...

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