Saturday, November 20, 2010

1st Snow

Day before yesterday I rode my motorcycle. To quote Inspector Clouseau after he was informed that what he had just destroyed was a $30,000 Steinway piano, "Not any more!".

The hell of it is I stepped out the back door just as Mrs. G 'shoed by on her way to walk the dogs. She waved. I told her to raise one snowshoe. She did. I took her picture. She promptly fell over. I snapped again. The camera batteries were dead. Grrr.

I re-batteried. You can see Mrs. G in this one:

Click fotos to embiggen

Here's the shady side. That's a foot of snow on the deck railing:

Winter sports will commence today with the ceremonial Filling Of The Snowthrower's Gas Tank. Let the games begin!


I'm sure glad for the break in the weather that let me get a picture of our snow in the sunshine. The second in this series of storms is here now. This pattern is going to come and go for days. With my historically impeccable timing, my snowthrowing efforts will be either or both of a) throw six inches of snow and get done just in time for the next foot of it instead of waiting and throwing 18 inches or, b) clearing each storm's dump with the wind in my face. It is written...

In case you're wondering how I can throw snow in one direction and then turn 180° and throw snow in the other direction and still have the wind in my face, the snowthrower's discharge chute is also known as 'The Automatic Wind Direction Changer'. It may be the best functioning gadget on the machine.

Please enjoy our Truckee and I-80 webcams.

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