Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fine Dining


Discord in North Beach over singing-waiter idea

An Italian restaurant in San Francisco's North Beach neighborhood is drawing heat for a proposed addition to the menu: Puccini.

Colosseo, on Columbus Avenue, wants to have its waiter, Luca - a highly trained opera singer - serenade customers while they dine.

But some residents - notably those of the Telegraph Hill Dwellers, a politically influential neighborhood group - aren't exactly all ears. Critics say that the permit for Luca's amplified accompaniment, which Colosseo is seeking at the Planning Commission today, could be interpreted to allow less harmonious sounds - such as, say, a Jimi Hendrix tribute concert.

I like Hendrix, but I ain't havin' it with my Sea Otter Piccata!

When I first saw the headline, I thought the waiter was gonna be crooning the menu and thought what a nice step up that would be. The first time the waitress at our local fine-dining establishment rolled up her sleeve to show us the menu tattooed on her beefy forearm, I thought she was gonna hit me!

Also see:

Fleur de burger. Frisco knows no bounds when it comes to haute cuisine!

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