Thursday, November 4, 2010

No one but ourselves to blame ...

If you didn't vote (only 45% of us did), you can blame yourselves for the next two years. If you thought the Bush Years were bad, wait until these wackos get sworn in:


The citizens of this country have been anything but united since 9/11 and the SCOTUS's decision only proves that even 45% of our citizens united with the common desire to vote is no match for a handful of corporations and their political arm in the Chamber of Commerce.

You have only yourselves to blame and I have nothing but withering contempt for every single last one of you.


And like the people on the government dole who bitch the loudest about said government, the apathetic will complain the loudest when more of their money is given to the rich or just downright wasted by the Republicans.


The same party that started needless and illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to no appreciable benefit to either of our three countries and eventually cost us trillions bloating the military-industrial complex, the party that wanted to deport over 11,000,000 hard-working brown people, wanted to spy on you without FISA court warrants, that strive to make our children more ignorant in schools, to make abortion illegal even in cases of incest or rape, the same party that is bound and determined to remove the very last sinew of regulation on any industry even as they're polluting our ecosystem and killing us. The same party that demonized African Americans after Katrina, wounded veterans when their neglect was revealed and the newly unemployed and homeless when they understandably looked to our government for help.


Glad I lived part of my life when it was a good time to be an American. I won't see those days again.

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