Thursday, November 18, 2010

No shit ...

Nucks is on something (among other things) I always bitch to the Mrs.* about. Seems "Christmas Season" starts earlier every year:

Please lord, make it go away.
Fucking greedy bastards, the advertisements and the decorations showed up before Halloween.
Thanksgiving isn't until next week for God's sake.


I'm waiting for the "Season" to start on 5 July next year.


So, Happy fucking holidays, I know damn good and well this isn't going to be the last time I bitch about this consumer driven horse shit before the first of the year either.

Pass the gravy and shut the fuck up.


Seems like, in the last quarter of the year, the entire world gears up to sell me something/everything.

Is this really what Jesus would have wanted?

*Not that she can do anything about it, nor does she want to hear it every time we walk into a store, but that's how I roll. Heh ...

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