Monday, November 15, 2010

The Puppet Speaks

Think Progress

Afghan President Hamid Karzai said the U.S. “must reduce the visibility and intensity of its military operations, especially night raids that fuel anti-American sentiment.” “The time has come to reduce military operations,” said Karzai in an interview with the Washington Post.

Our military must be kicking his Paki/Taliban financial contributors' ass. Dexter Filkins said so on Charlie Rose the other night, too.

He's in a quandary: Our money will dry up when we leave, and leave we surely will. Theirs will too, and they'll kill him. He needs to play both sides until he's got enough for chalets in Switzerland for him and a few hundred of his closest family members.

I'm sure he would like our military to laager up and leave his peeps alone and just make sure the checks keep coming.

To me, Karzai's request is roughly the equivalent of Tokyo Rose, on behalf of the Japanese commander on Iwo Jima, demanding the Marines let up and quit using tactics that work.

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