Thursday, November 11, 2010

Today ...

Stays on top today. What Fixer said. - G

Remember the people who've put their lives on the line, past, present, and, with all certainty, future. Too many have left parts, or all, of themselves on battlefields around the world, doing what they do at the behest of politicians who respect neither their service nor their lives.

Whether the cause is just or not, it is not for them to judge. When you take an oath, especially in a volunteer army, to defend our nation, you agree to give your life to preserve the principles and ideals that made this country great and unique. You hope those above you will not waste or misuse it.

To my brothers and sisters in arms, who have served and are on the front lines now, I doff my cap and raise a toast. Thanks for being there with me when I did my thing, thanks to all those who came before, and a prayer for those who are looking over the barrels of their rifles now.

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