Friday, November 12, 2010

Why can't we have politicians like this one?

I've known about this guy for a while. Manny Pacquiao (website) is one ass-kickin' Flip! We need a few hundred like him in Congress.


"I want to be a champion of public service," Pacquiao said Tuesday, after a workout for his Saturday night world junior-middleweight title fight against Mexico's Antonio Margarito at Cowboys Stadium.

Since taking political office this summer as a congressional representative of the Sarangani province, Pacquiao has focused on improving his countrymen's livelihoods, starting with improved medical care and education.

The causes are rooted in Pacquiao's childhood memories of surviving poverty, sleeping on dirt floors and selling cigarettes on the street.

"No money to buy food, hungry," Pacquiao said. "I'll always remember my past. When I was young, I had no one to help [me].

"I believe I'm supposed to be doing this."

I think I've got a new hero and role model. Get some, Manny!

Of course, the ruling elite in this country would never permit a MAN like that to make any headway in our political system. By being for the people he'd fuck up the gravy train. Maybe they'd let him mow their lawns.

Just as an aside, I'm not much of a fight fan. I don't care at all to see heavyweights shake the Earth while they pound the crap outta one another, but I like to see the smaller men, mostly Latinos and Filipinos (Asian Latinos, to my way of thinking) duke it out. They've got a lot of heart for the game. It's not the size of the dog in the fight that counts, it's the size of the fight in the dog.

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