Saturday, December 11, 2010

"...founding document has ‘jumped the shark.’ "

The Swift Report

Effort to Merge Constitution, Ten Commandments Gains Steam

A growing body of detractors warns that Constitution “goes too far” and “shouldn’t apply” to luminaries of the political right.

Sources close to the Constitution say that its troubles began as early as 1791 with the adoption of the Bill of Rights. While fans praise the Constitution’s “commitment to free speech” and say it’s “unsurpassed” as a “ruling document,” a growing body of detractors warns that the document “goes too far” and “shouldn’t apply” to “criticism of Sarah Palin” and other luminaries of the political right. The Constitution has also seen its fan base shrink due to a persistent Internet rumor that the words separation of church and state appear in its text—a misconception that lives on despite the efforts of Constitutional experts.

While the two governing documents contain essential differences, even contradictions—experts say that reconciling the 2nd Amendment’s right to bear arms with the 6th Commandment, “thou shall not kill,” could prove difficult—they share one essential attribute: Americans are only vaguely acquainted with either. According to recent reports, fewer than a third of Americans have read the entire Constitution. Meanwhile, few Americans were found to be able to name more than five of the Ten Commandments. If Americans are a bit vague on what the two documents actually say, they have not doubt about who authored both the Ten Commandments and the Constitution. Recent surveys have found that patriotic Americans are more likely than their liberal counterparts to recognize Moses’ role in the creation of both documents.

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