Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I was wondering ...

What it would take to make the Catholic League's resident blowhard Bill Donohue crawl back out from under a rock just before Christmas. It is Jihad, I tell you.

In a holiday season driven by Black Friday deals, ostentatious house lighting and stories about jolly men with tiny helpers and flying reindeer, it's sometimes easy to forget that Christmas actually has something to do with Jesus. But a well-placed billboard from American Atheists is arguing that the story of Jesus's birth is just as fantastical as a story of a fat man in a red suit shimmying down a chimney. The billboard at the entrance of the Lincoln Tunnel in New Jersey reads, "You KNOW it's a Myth / This Season, Celebrate REASON!" And wouldn't you know it, it's making some people pretty angry.


Of course, Donohue has nothing bad to say about Athiests, as long as they just keep their mouths shut.


American Atheists president David Silverman found the irony in the Catholic League's new billboard. He told, “They stole our scene and copied what we’re doing, and that’s fine. Once again, the Catholic Church is co-opting something that isn’t theirs, just like they did to Christmas. It’s a great analogy, and I love it.” Catholic League president Bill Donohue insists he has nothing against atheists, but "I have something against militant, in-your-face atheists that use our season to make their statements." Unlike equally in-your-face Catholics that claim the season is theirs and theirs alone. And considering we've actually seen this billboard in New Jersey, perhaps it's time to give the atheists a fair shot at ad space. [my em]


Was a time, the Catholics sent troops to kill anybody, or make life really miserable for those, who spoke against the Church. I guess they're mellowing. Seems like every 3 months though, ol' Donohue needs something to justify his existence. The gift that keeps on giving. 'Tis the season!

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