Friday, December 31, 2010

Left Coast New Year's

Happy New Year to all our readers and those we steal from. We couldn't do this without you, so follow Fixer's advice and party like there's no tomorrow even though tomorrow will make you wish there really wasn't one. Heh. Try menudo as a hangover remedy. Or a large Bloody Mary.

Point is, arrive alive and safely at tomorrow someplace other than a drunk tank fulla amateurs and vomit. The other people who don't die because you didn't drive drunk will thank you too.

Me 'n Mrs. G will celebrate the New Year like we always do, watching the "Times Square dynamic" (thanks again, F-Man) on CNN. Kathy Griffin will be outrageous and funny and Andy Cooper will turn beet red in response, although maybe not so much this year as he's learning to cope with her and may pre-medicate. Whatever works.

New Year's is win-win for us yokels out here. Thanks to the East Coast-centric nature of this deal, it's all over at 9PM for those of us who don't like to go out among 'em. There are celebrations at midnight out here of course, but they ain't a patch on the ass of the Times Square flusterpluck so why bother?

The Earth will continue making its trips around the Sun for billions more years, with or without us. To me, the new year is simply the point on a temporal line where I try to remember to change the date on the checks I pay my bills with. Yes, I still do that.

It's a line that can stop anytime. Don't drink and drive.

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