Sunday, January 2, 2011

Crazy people ...

Drunk or crazy, I never got the Polar Bears. We ain't the only ones (the local chapter takes a dip off Coney Island in Brooklyn on New Year's) with a corner on the crazy market. Our European cousins are just as nuts (video at the link).

What did you do on the first day of 2011?

Well, whatever it was, you would certainly have needed some Dutch courage to join 10,000 or so swimmers near the Hague in the Netherlands.


And, of course, leave it to the Germans to go hard core:


But this year’s award for daring has to go to Germany where even the brass monkeys were wincing when Berlin bathers took a New Year’s Day dip. Apparently, it is good for the health.

Es ist Gesund!* The little town I come from in Germany is a "spa town". They use, in their bathing pools, water directly from a mountain spring. I've experienced it in the summer and I would swear it was just above freezing. Took a week for my testicles to descend again. Heh ...

*It is healthy!

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