Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"Don't cry for me, Tinybrainia..."

Eugene Robinson

For her to take such umbrage, then, at the reporting of evident, pertinent and factual information deepened the impression that she is -- and I must be frank -- astoundingly thin-skinned and egocentric.

The way Palin portrayed herself as not only a popular champion but also a martyr reminded me -- not for the first time -- of Eva Peron. If she chooses this unpromising route to higher political office, I suggest she find a suitable balcony from which to deliver her next address to the nation.

Or perhaps -- solely in the interest of civil discourse -- that there be no next address.

In our dreams.

Update: Swallow and set your drink down.

Raw Story

Newt Gingrich wants fellow Fox News employee Sarah Palin to think before she speaks.

That is the best advice Neutie has ever given. Period. I hope she takes it.

We'd never hear another word out of her.

In our dreams.

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