Sunday, January 9, 2011

Arizona sows the wind and reaps the whirlwind *

*Hosea 8:7. Shorter: Choices have consequences. Words and actions are choices.

Great rant at Tucson, "The View from Baja Arizona":

Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik said it best:

“The anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this country is getting to be outrageous, and unfortunately Arizona has become sort of the capital,” Dupnik said Saturday January 8th at a press conference about the shooting of Congresswoman Gabriell Giffords and 18 others.

“We have become the mecca for prejudice and bigotry,” Dupnik added. “The fiery rhetoric that has taken hold in politics may be free speech, but it’s not without consequences.”

From top to bottom we have become a sick society filled with hatred and armed crazies.

In our political process the opposition is demonized to the point where media commentators such as Glenn Beck can suggest liberals ought to be killed.

Sheriff Dupnik made the point that where a climate of hatred and intolerance is created, that opens the door for armed nut cases to act out their craziness.

And this isn’t the first time a gunman has tried to kill those who serve our country and kill those who have political views opposed to theirs. They try to instill fear in anyone who is willing to step up to the plate for fairness and social justice.

America is known for killing its leaders….and are we any different than Pakistan right now?

The hate filled rhetoric being used to justify one side’s political agenda has to stop RIGHT NOW !

A nice thought, but wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up first. Here's why:

The media who profit from allowing the Glenn Becks and others who spew hostility must stop exploiting promotion of hatred for their bottom line.

Those who profit from selling guns to crazy people must be stopped.

And we need to really do something effective about our mental health care system beyond cutting budgets because some folks don’t want to pay taxes.

A direct legacy, at least in California, from Reagan when he was Governor.

The message from the armed crazies is to try and frighten anyone away from public service if they don’t follow the orthodoxy of one particular political perspective or another.

Another false equivalence that makes it seem as if the left does this as well as the right. Tain't so. We haven't heard of lefties espousing the violent deaths of others since the '60s. Hoping Satan calls 'em home from the gallows after due process, or getting run over by a truck, or their smirking faces running into my fist, or just plain croaking NOW, yes, but THIS CALLING-FOR-VIOLENCE-AND-SHOOTING BULLSHIT IS ALL ON THE RIGHT.

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