Friday, January 14, 2011

He might be a loon ...

But he's undoubtedly a right wing loon:

What was going on in Jared Loughner's mind? Based on his online rantings, the man who allegedly emptied a 31-round clip into Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and dozens of bystanders Saturday was preoccupied with theories on a massive government fraud. Many of his seemingly random statements—on "grammar," "the ratifications," "the new currency," and more—echo the teachings of the "sovereign citizen" movement, a right-wing school of thought alleging that Americans have been surreptitiously stripped of their God-given rights.


The "sovereigns" have one thing right, we have been stripped of our rights, but it was done by an Act of Congress. Not a damn thing surreptitious about it.

Great thanks to Pensito Review for the MJ link.

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