Monday, January 31, 2011

Hypocrisy ...

We haz it. The Grumpy Old Man was on TV this weekend, reiterating our support for the Egyptian people and "human rights". Nicole talks about our commitment to ensuring human rights:


Yes, let's talk about the importance of human rights when the Egyptians know only too well our killing of hundreds of thousands Iraqi civilians and displacement of a million more; our stealth war in Pakistan, killing wedding parties with drone strikes; our refusal to even count how many Afghan casualties we're responsible for; our blind eye to the human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia, Israel, Yemen, etc. Especially since we've been using the repressive aspect of Egypt's government to do our dirty work with rendition and torture, something that is not unknown to the general citizenry. Yup, we're really on the right side of history for this one ...

Yeah, we're all about human rights, as long as they don't stand in the way of our "national interests".

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