Saturday, January 22, 2011

Lawn Bowling and Croquet

Nice article about Queen Liz in the LATimes.

Reporting from aboard the Queen Elizabeth — Let the other ships have their rock climbing walls and their water slides, their come as-you-are and do-as-you-please ambience. On the new Queen Elizabeth, it's lawn bowling and croquet, formal nights and afternoon teas, assigned seating and fixed dining hours.

Indeed, Cunard's elegant Queen Elizabeth is the very embodiment of British civility.

'Ow bleedin' posh, mate!

After three launchings within a decade, Cunard has no plans to introduce another Queen. Why not? I asked the captain. He smiled and said, "England didn't have that many queens." (Jane doesn't really count, having reigned for only nine days.) So the options are few, he said, smiling, "unless we bring out a Queen Anne — or maybe a Queen Camilla."

Heh. Read on.

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