Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I call it "culling the herd" (I have little tolerance for stupid. If your particular brand of stupid gets you killed without taking anybody else with you, oh well):

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - Lawmakers in at least two states are looking to pull the plug on texting pedestrians and iPod-obsessed runners, claiming their diverted attention borders on disaster.


Hey, if you're dumb enough to cross a city street with your head up your ass, well ...


Democratic State Sen. Carl Kruger in New York has been trying since 2007 to ban the use of cell phones, iPods and other gadgets by pedestrians in major cities while crossing the street. The proposal would ban the use of an electronic device while crossing the crosswalk in a city with a population of one million or more. Violators would face a $100 civil fine.

Kruger said a series of accidents in his Brooklyn district made him concerned about the number of pedestrians he saw paying closer attention to their devices than what was in front of them.

"They were basically oblivious to the circumstances around them," Kruger said. "They got wired up, and . their head was just in a different place . I don't think it's that much different than a ban on cell phones while driving or any other distraction."


It's one thing banning texting and driving (you're trying to control a 2 ton missile with your head up your ass) in the interest of public safety. It's another to save pedestrians from themselves. Ain't nobody but you getting hurt if you end up with a Mack Bulldog where the sun don't shine.

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