Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Right Wing Can't Survive Without Stoking Anger

Stephen Pizzo

If you have been a student of the new Right you understand that the gains they've made in American politics have come in direct proportion to a rising level of anger. Some of that anger was there just waiting for affirmation, but much more of it has been ginned up by rightwing talkers like Limbaugh, Beck and FOX News.

What I expect to see and hear in the days and weeks just ahead is a new -- and frankly jarring -- argument from the Right; civility in politics is a liberal plot. A plot against who? Well against the Right, of course. There's nothing a zealot likes more than to claim the cloak of persecution. It's always the last refuge of scoundrels, be it demagogic politicians or Christians, Jews, Muslims or Scientologists. Call them on their nonsense and they scream "persecution."

In this case the Right is going to be forced to take a position that unmasks them once and for all. Without their patented violent, hate-inciting rhetoric, the Right has nothing to offer America. Nothing.

Which explains why they're going to fight -- not for civility -- bit for more incivility.

They have to keep the peasants stirred up - and more importantly, the media which faithfully relays most of the stirring up - and distracted with lies and distortions so they won't question anything real or the right is toast.

A good massacre once in a while is important so they can say what victims they are.

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