Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Spin it like ya stole it!

I made the following comment over at Ornery Bastard in the wake of some furiously back-pedalling wingnuts trying to shift the blame:

Yes, the guy was a whackjob. A FAR RIGHT whackjob. Too bad he wasn't a Librul whackjob or a Muslim whackjob or somethin', huh?

My point, though I didn't make it very well, was that the wingnuts like to blame Libruls and/or Muslims for everything and would have been all over this like stink on shit had Loughner been either of those instead of what he is which is a stark raving right wing lunatic.

Well, they're doing it anyway:

Ever fond of blaming Muslims for anything, Gingrich immediately responded by shifting focus from the Arizona shootings to his Islamophobia campaign. Throwing in a few plugs for his anti-Muslim film “America At Risk,” Gingrich slammed liberals “who scream if you tell the truth about American Islamists” but “smear conservatives” for other, non-Muslim acts of violence:

Blaming “the left” is typical Gingrich behavior in the wake of national tragedies. After the 1999 Columbine High School shooting, Gingrich accused “the liberal academic elite, the liberal political elite” of “being afraid to talk about the mess you have made, and being afraid to take responsibility for things you have done.” When ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked if he saw the 2007 Virginia Tech tragedy the same way, Gingrich said “yes” because liberals have created “situation ethics” zone free of religion. He even blamed liberals for Susan Smith’s drowning of her two children in 1994, saying the only way to avoid future incidents was “to vote Republican.”

Nice try but no cigar, Neutie. The shoe's on the other foot this time like it has been in a zillion other recent right wing terrorist attacks.

The right is trying like crazy to dissociate the act of a crazy person from their 'kill the liberal commies' hate speech. They're good at this, but they're not going to get away with it this time.

Ah, shit, they probably will.

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