Sunday, January 16, 2011

There ya go ...

So you want to have a reasonable debate about gun laws and safety? Ain't happening as long as these idiots have as big a following as they do:


Six days after a gunman attempted to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and killed six others in a mass shooting, the National Rifle Association (NRA) broke its silence, pledging to fight off any and all attempts to impose harsher regulations on guns and high-capacity magazines.

An unattributed statement posted on the NRA website late Friday, written in the rhetorical style the powerful association has come to be known for, dubbed gun control supporters "gun ban advocates" and the proposals mentioned in the wake of the mass shooting "schemes."


And as long as so many gun owners share that knee-jerk reaction every time even the most innocuous sort of safety proposal gets floated, nothing will change and probably get worse.

And just a note to all those who say they need their guns to keep the government in check: If the Feds want your guns, they're gonna come get them, regardless of the armory you have in your basement (there will just be a more spectacular explosion when they lob a grenade in there). They'll "pry them out of your cold dead hands" if they have to. Let's see how long you "Armchair Rambos" have the stomach for the fight you all itch for when people are actually shooting back at you. Have another beer, you idiotic dickless wonders.

And another note: There is a place where the gun industry is unfettered and every swinging dick who wants one can open carry an AK-47 or even an RPG if they want. It's not called Nirvana, it's called Afghanistan. Good luck with that.

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