Friday, January 14, 2011

Yeah, that"s about right ...


Now let me see if I have the twisted Teabagger mindset straight: In Teabag America, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh are victims because people say their rhetoric is unnecessarily inflammatory, but Gabrielle Giffords had it coming:


They Gave Us A Republic:


Conservatives live in like-minded communities -- either geographically or in those Fox Nation-like exclusive conservative communities on the radio and cable dial. These are places where everyone not only knows your name but also thinks exactly as you do. And so when everyone they know thinks of liberals and the President as being "American-hating traitors," then such beliefs aren't hatefulness or even "politics" at all. They are common sense and conventional wisdom.


They know they're right and nothing thinking people do can change their minds. There is no compromise with these people because they see compromise as giving in to subversives who want to upset "the way things have always been" and "destroy the nation". It's why I have little hope this country can overcome what ails us.



Update Zwei:

Dr. Attaturk (Podiatrist to the Stars).

And just a note to conservative Jews: The conservatives look at you like they do Michael Steele. You serve a purpose and the day you stop serving that purpose, you will be vilified as well.

Update Trois:

This doesn't help:


As to why it exists, well, I merely speculate, but from poking around their site, I think their gig is this. Suppose you have home-schooled your advanced blastocyst in the best evangelical wingnut way, to the age of 18. And suppose you recognize that no matter how much you would like to pray otherwise, your advanced blastocyst, age 18, is an absolute lettuce.

Dumb as a box of Bibles. A cretin by Sarah Palin standards. A doorstop. A rock.


Solution! The Rivendell Sanctuary offers for a fee a place to deposit wingnut lettuce-children so that they might be subject to some form of vegetable processing, as per for example what is done with freeze-dried potatoes. You think I'm kidding...

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