Monday, February 14, 2011

100 Years Of Reagan

A 'must read' by Will Durst:

We can be forgiven for feeling fittingly dazed and confused from the deluge of month- long wall-to-wall television specials, radio reports and magazine cover stories all tinged in that faint, beige, gauzy haze of selective memory that so easily metastasizes into revisionist history. The man was not Saint Ronny. He was an actor, who legendarily turned down Bogart's part in the movie "Casablanca." Think how history would have changed: Bogart might have become president. Then again, Casablanca would be a lousy movie.

Some folks have been so feverish with Reagan-Palooza there's renewed talk of putting his face on the ten-dollar bill. Excuse me? Wouldn't food stamps be more appropriate? Or considering what he did for Wall Street, maybe the ten thousand-dollar bill. On a related note, the US Postal Service unveiled the third stamp honoring the 40th POTUS, the distinction being this is a forever stamp, so apropos when you consider his legacy on America's disenfranchised.

[...] Hey, I got a funny joke for you: What did they call the homeless before Reagan. Mental patients! Does the term "Jared Loughner" have any meaning here?

And mos' definitely "Quote of the Day" material:

Like most presidents, Obama is just a figurehead, but Reagan… was a hood ornament.

Hood ornaments. What ever happened to those? Oh, that's right - they went away a long time ago for being expensive useless ornamentation. Just like Reagan. They're both throwbacks to the past and the memory persists for no good reason, although when it comes to nostalgia there's a better case for hood ornaments.

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