Sunday, February 20, 2011

The G.O.P.’s Post-Tucson Traumatic Stress Disorder

Gee, maybe they'll meet an actual Veteran when they share a short dog with one under a bridge. One can only hope.

Daddy Frank with an uplifting message! Cool 'toon, links. You will like this one!

[...] Even more unexpectedly, Murdoch’s flagship newspaper, The Wall Street Journal, ran an op-ed essay last week by the reliably conservative Michael Medved trashing over-the-top Obama critiques from Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Dinesh D’Souza as “paranoid” and “destructive to the conservative cause” — the cause defined as winning national elections.

If the next step in this declension is less face time for Palin on Fox News, then we’ll have proof that pigs can fly. But a larger question remains. If the right puts its rabid Obama hatred on the down-low, what will — or can — conservatism stand for instead? [...]

Heh. Nothing good. I hope it takes their massively funded hate think tanks months to figure that out.

THE G.O.P. has already reached its praying-for-a-miracle phase — hoping some neo-Reagan will emerge to usurp the tired field. Trump! Thune! T-Paw! Christie! Jeb Bush! Soon it’ll be time for another Fred Thompson or Rudy groundswell. [...]

Lemme 'splain about miracles and the con job part of Christianity: Miracles yesterday, miracles tomorrow, sorry, no miracles today. 'Karma' is probably closer to the truth. If their miracle comes up with another Thompson or Julieannie as their savior, they get what they deserve.

Pops sticks a needle in the balloon a little at this point, but I'm not going to. Go.

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