Thursday, February 10, 2011

If you support the NRA ...

You're just a tool.

Cliff Schecter has a great 2 part series (I, II) up about the NRA and where they get their money:


There is plenty of circumstantial evidence that the NRA's mission has nothing to do with its members, but everything to do with protecting the profits of the gun manufacturers who support the organisation with big bucks - not to mention pay the million-dollar-plus salary of the NRA's executive vice president, Wayne LaPierre.

After all, those lunches at The Palm aren't going to just pay for themselves.


This might explain the NRA's need for constant crisis marketing (Obama's coming with the Legion of Doom to take your guns!) to misinform the public at large and shake their members' wallets loose - the NRA's very own "We've got trouble! Right here in River City!" routine.

Of, course, the direct influence that gun manufacturers exert over the NRA and their huge windfalls when there are runs on guns and ammunition, also readily explains the NRA's play to paranoia and fringe politics, and their view that no gun sale is a bad gun sale.


As I've said many times here, ain't nobody advocating taking away anyone's guns, but until people stop the "no compromise" attitude toward logical gun control, the only ones making out are the leadership of the NRA and the gun manufacturers. You want to give them your money (I gave up my membership about 20 years ago, when I couldn't deal with the crazy shit anymore), fine, but these people don't care how many die in their effort to sell product. If you can sleep at night supporting that, good on ya.

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