Wednesday, February 16, 2011

More Greenwald ...

He talks with Dylan Ratigan about the attempted Government/Corporate ratfucking of WikiLeaks supporters:


GLENN: Well, at some point as we see in Egypt, the population gets to the point where they’re so consumed with grievance and anger that they’re willing to risk everything including their own lives in order to overthrow that order because they no longer believe that incremental reform is the answer and, of course, that’s the mentality in which our country was born. And at some point the elites in this country are playing with fire because they are going to risk triggering that same thing. Now, our population is very complacent and they are very propagandized. They think that thing is like what caused the revolution in Egypt exists in Egypt but not so much over here. But I think as you suggested earlier, the American population is moving inexorably in the direction of concluding that our system is inherently legitimate, and when that happens the results are fairly predictable.


Video link here (bottom of page).

Things are gonna have to get a lot worse before "Eat The Rich" becomes a battle cry but I know I'm just about fed up with the whole system.


Via DU. Heh ...


Off to the vet this morning. The little red beast is getting spayed.

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