Sunday, February 20, 2011

The only thing that will get us to go out in a snowstorm - out of cookies!

It is the weekend. After four days of trying to find places to put snow, I'm exultant over the prospect of a day off from survival digging-out and maybe a coupla days of just detailing it a little, like digging the other truck out and improving access here and there.

In other words, it's Saturday night and I are fucking around. When I get done doing this I am going to collapse into the "Couch Dance Of Joy".

I got another new vidcam. This latest acquisition fulfills my desire for video cameras. For now. Actually, at $29.99 on sale at Sears, I couldn't pass up a pocket camera. Best thing about it? It looks like a cell phone but ya can't get calls on it!

Truckee SaveMart's Bakery chocolate chip cookies. Mmmmmm. Good!

Testing new Vivitar DVR620HD ($29.99 on sale at Sears.) Standing too close to subject.

Yeah, arms-length is fine for some things but self-pornos will be blurry. Drat.

Same store, but a few days later (Friday evening). Bruce is a good guy and actually a very fast and accurate checker even though we got ta jokin' around and it took us three tries to check me out and get some cash back. The store was packed with a long checkout line of out-of-towners laying in supplies for their big ski weekend. I actually hollered, "This is how we do it around hyar, y'all!". Hey, if ya can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit! Heh. You can hear Mrs. G laughing. Yes dear, I are Bozo!

The weather was sunny and nice on Saturday and Mrs. G wanted to take some pictures and had me drive her out to shit's creek (literally, you'll see, luckily it's not far from home), so I've got some more stuff for later. Also, a day or so ago I said I took some video of riding around in my truck in a snowstorm. I actually got too much and it's going to take me a while to get it all edited and spliced into something interesting and funny and short enough for me to subject you to. It'll be along.

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