Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Shopping Day

Today is SS payday, so if ya see a buncha us old farts livin' it up you'll know why.

Shopping in The Big City this morning, Meskin food tonight. Early Bird Special, of course. Life is good.

See yas.


...a buncha us old farts...

No shit! Man, we wuz all there! Some'a them senior gals is hotties too. Yes, I scoped 'em out. I'm taking advantage of Mrs. G's cataracts while she still has 'em.

Also, the folks at Costco know damn well when we get our gummint money - they moved golf cart batteries to where even we couldn't miss 'em, right as ya walk in the door. Heh.

They're jokers too. They reset almost everything so we gotta wander around looking for the things we get every time.

Note to Costco: please, dudes, we ain't got that kinda time and ya don't hafta do that much work to confuse us.

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