Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So tell me again ...

Why we've wasted so much money and so many lives over there as opposed to having killed a half million of them (as vengeance for 9/11) and left off?

An Afghan physiotherapist will be executed within three days for converting to Christianity.

Said Musa, 45, has been held for eight months in a Kabul prison were he claims he has been tortured and sexually abused by inmates and guards.


I thought we were bringing "freedom" and "democracy" there? After 10 years, it doesn't look like much of either has taken hold. Time to go.

Thanks to They Gave Us A Republic for the link.


Another example of why we should split tomorrow:

Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Tuesday compared Western reconstruction teams in his country to "plumbers" who were no longer needed and said they should leave.


Karzai's comments, his latest outspoken swipe at Western allies of his government, came during a press conference at the presidential palace in Kabul.


See yas!

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