Friday, February 25, 2011

This Never Ending Abortion War

The Rude Pundit

We proud members of the nutzoid conservative Family Research Council's Super-Duper Prayer Team are often called upon to squat and squeeze out a prayer loaf in the most extreme circumstances. [...]

An apt description of what radical phony christianists do, I think.

See, a budget amendment denying federal funding to Planned Parenthood has gotten through the House of Representatives thanks to the combination of zealots, hooligans, and assholes who rule there. It's not that Planned Parenthood uses any federal funds for abortionizing fetuses. No, that's banned. But, you know, if a single red federal cent is used to clean the windows of the clinic, it's pretty much the same thing as stabbing the baby Jesus in his little heart. [...]

So pray we must. Luckily, since we're too stupid to come up with prayers on our own, the SDPT is given the words: "Raise up an army of praying believers through whom You can pull down the spiritual strongholds and end taxpayer subsidies for this death-dealing industry." Do your prayers have the phrase "taxpayer subsidy" in it? No? Then fuck your religion, you goddamn heretic. You probably want women to have "reproductive freedom" and other satanic things. God is weeping, weeping, you fuckers, because women can still "choose" in this country, even if they're raped teenagers.

Yeah, the religious right is doubling down on the abortion bullshit, man. All across the nation, there's some kind of fucktarded competition over which state can come up with the craziest new law, from legalizing the murder of abortion providers to making women have to prove that their miscarriages were not induced (for which Jill Filipovic has the awesomest response).

There are two points to be made here. For the first, this bears repeating:

Yeah, the religious right is doubling down on the abortion bullshit, man. All across the nation, there's some kind of fucktarded competition over which state can come up with the craziest new law...

Not just abortion. Everything. The fuckers get the weakest part (luckily for us) of the Congress and think they're going to ram through batshit crazy ideologically pure (think Aryan) stuff like they did in the halcyon days of pure evil under the Chimp. They have 'til 2012 and then they're gonna get thrown out on their asses again when this nation realizes it fucked up bad putting those clowns even part way in charge.

The second point is about the 'response' link above: NO SHIT - That's the awesomest thing I've ever read about this anti-women issue. The mind boggles at the possibilities. Let's just say 'flooding Congress with responses' takes on a whole new meaning! Heh.

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