Saturday, February 26, 2011

Truth hurts ...

But unless the Dem Party finds some leaders, we're all screwed in the end anyway:

We all know what this means. It means Harry Reid, scared as usual, is rationalizing his abandonment of social programs because he can't seem to avoid a checkmate in our current game of "Who will orchestrate the blame for a government shutdown?" And the problem is this is not over an actual budget, but he's willing to give make these cuts for a TWO WEEK EXTENSION.


Did anybody think this wouldn't happen? The GOP went deep, the Dems rejected, and the GOP came back "half-way". Like tourists 'haggling' with a street vendor in the Caribbean. The tourists always pay big, even when they're walking away thinking they just pulled one over on 'the stupid local'.


This is the watershed moment. Our party HAS TO STAND FOR SOMETHING. And standing up doesn't mean standing down. There are those out there who believe it's all fixed. That our party has happily accepted second rate status so they can receive their lobby money and pork. I reject that. Our side can't seem to agree on anything, least of all a behind-closed-doors ruse on the public.


With the amounts of money involved, I think it would be the only time the Dems did stand up for something; getting their donation checks. I put nothing past them.

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