Monday, February 28, 2011

Walker’s assault on public employees is only one part of a larger political program

REPORT: Top 10 Disastrous Policies From The Wisconsin GOP You Haven’t Heard About

[...] But Walker’s assault on public employees is only one part of a larger political program that aims to give corporations free reign in the state while dismantling the healthcare programs, environmental regulations, and good government laws that protect Wisconsin’s middle and working class. These lesser known proposals in the 144-page bill reveal how radical Walker’s plan actually is:


[...] As Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) said Tuesday, Walker has stopped acting like the Republican governor of a Midwestern state and has instead “basically taken on the position of a dictator” with a “vision of America that’s similar to somewhere like Nigeria or Pakistan.”

Absolute rule and lotsa cheap labor. I think Nigeria and Pakistan have been looking to the Repugs for a role model. Let's send the Kochs and Murdoch to help them.

Note to Nigeria (most Pakis don't eat capitalist pig): they'll be delicious with ketchup or pepper sauce.

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