Tuesday, February 8, 2011

When Bill Kristol calls you crazy ...

You know you're ready for the room with rubber wallpaper:

Neoconservative columnist Bill Kristol called out conservatives, and in particular, Glenn Beck, for fear-mongering about the unrest in Egypt, saying that "when Glenn Beck rants about the caliphate taking over the Middle East from Morocco to the Philippines, and lists (invents?) the connections between caliphate-promoters and the American left," he's "marginalizing himself."


Although, I do agree with Kristol on one point (go figure, but stranger shit's happened):


Kristol continues: "Nor is it a sign of health when other American conservatives are so fearful of a popular awakening that they side with the dictator against the democrats. Rather, it's a sign of fearfulness unworthy of Americans, of short-sightedness uncharacteristic of conservatives, of excuse-making for thuggery unworthy of the American conservative tradition."


But don't you get it, Bill? Conservatives can't allow true democracy because they'd go the way of the dinosaur soon enough.

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