Monday, March 14, 2011

Christ ...

When I said this:


Don't we sell planes to Saudi Arabia?


I didn't mean they should do this:


It’s a move that undercuts the Obama administration’s rosy portrayal of the monarchy. Despite a paroxysm of violence in February when security forces attacked protesters in the capitol city of Manama, “today, the Pearl Roundabout in Bahrain is a place of nonviolent activism,” Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, assured reporters on March 1. After a visit last week to Bahrain, home to the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet, Gates said he was convinced the royals “are serious about real reform.”

If so, that lasted until about when Gates’ plane went wheels-up. Security forces are now trying to clear Manama’s financial district of protesters, firing tear gas canisters into demonstrators’ chests. About 1000 Saudi troops entered Bahrain on Monday, ostensibly to protect government installations, but protesters at the Pearl Roundabout set up barricades in preparation for the Saudis attacking them. The leading Shia opposition party, Wefaq, called it a “declaration of war and an occupation.”


That's nice. So, I wonder what the White House will say to the Bahrainis now. Is he gonna say the Royal Family should go, just like the Libyan? Should the Saudi Royal Family have to make the decision to stay or go too, Mr. Obama?

I will direct the President to refresh himself about recent history, 30-odd years in fact, the last time we propped up a Middle Eastern royal family in the face of a Shiite uprising. You'll see an Ayatollah running the place before you see "democratic reform", whatever that means in this day and age. But hell, this is the guy who chose to escalate in Afghanistan instead of running like the wind. I wonder how fast the 5th Fleet can get underway once the revolution comes to Bahrain?

If you think Libya is a mess, wait until the Emirates start falling and gas prices go through the roof. Wait until Iran is the major player in the region. If Obama is smart, he'll stick every spare nickel we have in alternative energy because if the Emirates go down, ain't nobody gonna be able to drive, or fly, or take the train anywhere.

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