Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Election Day

There's a one-question special election in my town today. The only thing on the ballot is Measure A, which extends an already-in-place property tax assessment to help fund our schools.

I have a dilemma, but not much of a one.

The assessment on my property tax bill used to be $98. Seniors are exempt, so when Mrs. G turned 65 it went down to $49 and will go to zero next year since I have now turned 65.

The measure's backers are using this: "Seniors! Yes on A! YOU don't have to pay it!" That's a 'heh'.

I usually vote 'no' on bond measures (except for veterans) and taxes, so here's my dilemma:

Since I'm exempt, is it ethical for me to vote for taxes on others that I myself do not have to pay? Or is it schadenfreude (taking pleasure at the discomfort of others)?

This measure is going to pass, of that I have no doubt, so I think I will vote 'no' just to be contrary. Mrs. G is going to vote 'yes', no doubt out of her motherly instinct toward other people's little monsters.

So it looks like we will do our civic duty by driving five miles round trip to cancel out each other's votes. It's the American way.


I had a rare twinge of conscience of the "they must need it or they wouldn't ask for it and I don't have to pay it anyway and I can make everybody else pay for it so there' sort and voted 'yes'.

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