Friday, March 18, 2011

Flashbacks ...

For those of you in my generation (who remember the nightly reports on the news from Vietnam), doesn't this sound familiar?


"The enemy is indeed on the run," she said.

"It is demoralized and divided. Let us not give up now. Let us not betray the sacrifices of our men and women serving in harm's way and ask for nothing in return except our full support."


That was Republican rep Ileana Ros-Lehtinen explaining why she voted against the bill (it failed in the House) to accelerate the timetable for troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Which brings me to our good friend Comrade Misfit, who made another Vietnam analogy that brought me back to my youth:


For decades after the Vietnam War, the prevailing military thinking was that focusing on body counts had been a bad thing, that it was a false metric. As it was pointed out by the dissenters then, the U.S. had a huge firepower advantage and the fact that there were more enemy dead also indicated that there were more enemy soldiers to kill.

And so it is here. The Taliban has small arms and IEDs. The NATO Coalition has artillery, attack aircraft, helicopters and armed drones.


The American people get it. 64% of us at least. When I was in we used to laugh at the Soviets; calling it "their Vietnam" and how they should have learned the lessons we did in Southeast Asia.

Wonder who's laughing now?

Da, is "Americanski Afghanistan". Heh ... More vodka, Boris.

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