Saturday, March 26, 2011

Winter of '52

I have about eight feet of snow at my house. I posted about shovelling off my deck a coupla weeks ago*. It's as deep with new snow as it was then and I'm going to shovel it off again today. The Meskins may come tomorrow, weather permitting, and I want someplace for the snow from the roof to land without getting so deep I can't reach that high. When I think of the winter of '52, I count my blessings that I live in the local Banana Belt.

*Post is gone forever to whither I do not know. We're too prolific around here for Blogger to keep track of it all.


Just got a call. The Meskins are on their way as we speak. Fuck me. I can always stand on stacked milk crates to shovel...

Update II:

False alarm. Bentley brought a ladder over for 'em. They'll be here in the AM. Put my pants on fer nuthin'...

Bentley was near here working on a house that had a chunk of ice as big as the bed of his F-350 slide off the roof and fall the wrong way and punch a hole through the side. Picture broken wall studs stickin' through the drywall into the living room.

Mark McLaughlin talks about one of the biggest winters here in the Lake Tahoe area!


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