Thursday, March 17, 2011

I know it was built well ...

For the time because my dad did all the testing on the structure and containment during construction. The plant paid a lot of bills in this house as I was growing up and my dad was always proud of the work he did there. The words "Indian Point" were used a lot around here for nearly a decade when I was a kid. "Where's pop," I'd ask and the answer would inevitably be "at Indian Point; he'll be home Friday night". Sad to see one of the touchstones of my life end up being one of the things that might possibly kill me:


And it turns out that the nuclear reactor in the United States with the highest risk of core damage from a quake is not the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, with its twin reactors tucked between the California coastline and the San Andreas Fault.

It's not the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, a four-hour drive down the Pacific coast at San Clemente, surrounded by fault lines on land and under the ocean.

It's not on the Pacific Coast at all. It's on the Hudson River.


Indian Point was state-of-the-art for its time (unfortunately a lot has fallen into disrepair) and its license comes up for renewal in 2013. Hopefully, Governor Cuomo does what he promised and not renew it, but a lot can change in 2 years.

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