Monday, March 7, 2011

McCarthyism ...

We haz it. The Long Island idiot ... no, the other one ... no, the other one ... no no, this one is convening his "Blame the Muslims" witch hunt hearings on the "Radicalization of Islam" in this country:


"What we're talking about is the demonization and criminalization of an entire American faith community here in our nation," MPAC's Alejandro Beutel said, describing the basic theory of the anti-Muslim fear mongerers this way: "You have to be on guard against all Muslims because you don't know when they're going to go all Jihad on you."

The fears over "creeping Sharia" follows a McCarthyite theme, said Beutel. "Instead of the Communist threat, it's the Muslim threat and the implementation of Sharia."


I don't want to know about anybody's god but this is still America (for however long that will last) and no religion, or none at all, should be held above or below another. King is just demonizing Muslims and throwing red meat to the base.

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