Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pearl Harbor WI

Governor Walker

We are in a class war brought on us by the right wing as surely as WWII was brought on us by the Axis in the form of the Japanese Empire. We knew we were going to get into that one and we have known for some time that we will be in this one and now we are. That one was necessary and so is this one, regrettably.

Note: Anybody who thinks Japan and Germany weren't legitimate threats to us and that WWII was unnecessary, you're a fucking idiot and keep yer yap shut. I don't wanta fuckin' hear it. Clear?

I'm not the only one to have likened the Repugs' sneak attack on democracy to the attack on Pearl Harbor. I used the word 'Japped'. The member of the WI 14, being kindler and gentler and more PR conscious than myself, did not.

After Pearl Harbor, the Japanese Empire ran wild in the entire Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia regions. We, the Allies, suffered many defeats - the Phillipines, Wake Island, Singapore, the Dutch East Indies, and dozens of other places too lost to time now to mention.

We were losing. We licked our wounds and mobilized and built and planned for the day things would turn.

The absolute turning point of the Pacific War came seven months after Pearl Harbor between 4-7 June, 1942 at the Battle of Midway. There have been many books and movies about this. Shorter: The Imperial Japanese Navy never came back from having their asses handed to 'em.

One, count 'em, one fight turned the tide. The IJN lost control of the Pacific and their advance was stopped. Then the real fight started to roll 'em up.

There were many other important battles on the road to victory, but the upshot was that by the end Japan lay in ruins. They damn near realized their dreams of empire but they were stopped.

It should be clear that my analogy has the United States in the role of the conceptual Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. I haven't quite figured out which Repug is playing Tojo, maybe the Kochs, but Corporate America is the General Staff and the RGA is providing the field commanders. I have visions of Walker sent crashing aflame into the jungle like Admiral Yamamoto who carried out the Pearl Harbor attack. A wistful metaphor, of course. We're fresh out of P-38s.

Emperor Hirohito is played by Obama, of course - he didn't like it, but he was too cowed by the power brokers to stop it. He remained as a figurehead after the war.

My point is that even though our dicks are in the dirt, one loss or even a series of losses cannot deter us from this fight or the Repugs, our enemy as surely as was the Empire of Japan, will take over this country like the Japanese wanted to take over the Pacific Ocean and Asia.

We MUST keep fighting. We need lots of little wins like Tarawa, medium sized ones like Saipan, a few bloody-but-necessary ones like Iwo Jima, protracted ones like the Solomon Islands, and one or two big ones like Midway and the Great Marianas Repug Turkey Shoot.

If we don't fight, whatever the cost, the Japs Repugs win and our country is done. Much better for the Repugs and their masters to be scorched ruins. It's the only outcome worth considering or the game is over. Defeatism loses.

The sneak attack on Pearl Harbor was intended to demoralize the United States as much as to destroy our warfighting ability in the Pacific. It had exactly the opposite effect. The same thing may be happening now after the sneak attack on American workers. God, how I hope and pray.

Our battle cry is Remember Madison!

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