Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Quote of the Day

Herr Aristophanes:

So Let Me Get This Straight …

The wingnut message is basically that we should simultaneously expand our use of nuclear energy while shrinking government’s ability to regulate it.


And to prove this anecdotally, my wingnut brother-in-law is already parroting the Fox "News" line that the liberal media are blowing the Daiichi meltdown out of proportion. He was on the phone with the Mrs. yesterday and I knew he'd gone to that political place when I heard the Mrs. say "you gotta stop watching Fox".

And just a note, I have the child lock (password protected and I forgot the password) on Fox "News" Channel on every TV in the house, even the guest rooms. You can watch all the porn you want here but FNC ist verboten in this house.

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