Friday, March 4, 2011

"Shared sacrifice"...



Here's the roll call on the vote. A total of 236 Republicans voted, and all of them opposed the effort to end public subsidies for oil companies.


Also note, ending the subsidies would save the federal government tens of billions of dollars, making a significant dent in the deficit-reduction campaign that Republicans pretend to care about. It's a reminder that the GOP's commitment to fiscal responsibility is shaped in large part by who'll suffer as a result of the cuts -- working families can feel the brunt of the budget ax, under the GOP vision, but ExxonMobil can't.


Not one House Rethug voted to kill the subsidies to oil companies ($53 billion worth), but those lazy, BMW-driving union teachers are driving us to bankruptcy. Realizing, of course, that the money taken from the oil companies would go a long way to satisfying the Rethug/Teabagger demand for cuts to the budget (that's assuming they're actually worried about the deficit).

As anyone with half a brain knows by now, the Rethug plan has nothing to do with "deficit-reduction" or "spending cuts". It's all about breaking the middle class, period.

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