Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Shouting at the wind ...

D-cap has a great post up* showing what we could do to make our government more representative of the people, as opposed to how it is now. Great suggestions and well thought out (like every post D-cap writes) but he knows how far it would go, had someone the Balls of Steel needed to attempt it in the first place:


It is really time Americans took a hard look at our system and organization of government (which we won't) and change the things that are driving us into the cesspool (which of course we won't). For over 200 years we have basically followed the principles and doctrines of the founding fathers -- Madison, Jefferson, Adams, and all the other 18th-century scholars. Stability in the process of law has been our strength. It might now also be one of our greatness weaknesses. Plus, it is the 21st century, and most Americans are barely treated as 3/5 of a person.


As we all know, in our current political environment, the people getting an equal say in how they're governed is the last thing our elected representatives want. Also, taking an objective look in the mirror has never been considered a virtue in America.

*I linked to his xpost at Michael's place because D-cap's page loads slowly on my machine.

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