Tuesday, March 22, 2011

So much for the "fairly easy drive home"*

*Reference is to the post just below this one. Everything went fine until we started up into the mountains, except for one iffy moment when Mrs. G made my blood turn to ice in Sacramento rush hour traffic with one little sentence: "Watch it, Asian girl on her phone at 3 o'clock..."

This may be my worst video ever, but consider the circumstances. Me and Mrs. G were having fun anyway.

Eastbound on I-80 during chain control on 3-21-11, not sure just where, but east of Drum Forebay Road.. About 6PM. Handed the camera to my wife. Heh.

Got home to three feet of new snow in my driveway. The Berm Fairy (I think) had plowed it out just enough to get off the street. Thank you, Dave.

See 'Berm Fairy' video.

Used a Vivitar DVR620HD. About the size of a cell phone, but better. Can't get annoying calls on it.

CAFKIA (comment, post below) nailed it. Snowed like a big dog. Got home at 8PM. Blew and shovelled snow, ran over buried trash can lid, replaced shear bolt, got truck up driveway at 11:30. Tired. Just enough energy to do this. More later. G'night. Zzzzzzz....


One thing our big rainstorm did was clear the air. The photo shows something I don't think I've ever seen before and I've been in California for 65 years. The photo was taken from near Lockwood (Monterey County) on U.S. 101. In the center is a strip of dark/white between the green and the clouds. That's the Sierra Nevada about 100 miles or more south of where I live. Using the old ruler/map scale/pencil & paper method I determined it's approximately 140 miles distant. I knew it was a long way off, but that surprised me a little. I saw the clouds starting to sock in over there and didn't want to miss the photo op. Five minutes later it was gone. This view is a rare occurrence, folks. Please click to embiggen.

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