Friday, March 18, 2011

So ...

The rumor is true? All black men have big cocks? Because the half-breed (I can say that, I'm one myself, heh ...) in the White House sure as hell thinks he does and now he's trying to wave it around.

President Barack Obama said Friday that "left unchecked, we have every reason to believe Gadhafi (will) commit atrocities against his own people" and the surrounding region could be destabilized.


Started off good ...


A cease-fire must be implemented immediately, and Gadhafi's troops must be pulled back from several cities, he said. Power and water must be restored to those cities, he declared.

"These terms are not negotiable," Obama said.


How did we go from hemming and hawing on the no-fly zone to giving ultimatums from Washington instead of the UN?

I mean, Jeez, Barry, couldn't you have said that when you were negotiating the health care bill? How about when it comes time for all the phony budget "cuts" the Rethugs want and you're caving to? The words "non-negotiable" are not in his vocabulary at all, except when it comes to bonking Muammar on the head with his newfound twelve inch schlong (He should be doing it to Boner). Heaven forbid he'd be so forthright when it came to his own people.


If Gadhafi doesn't comply, the U.N. resolution will be imposed through military action. The United States will work as part of an international coalition, Obama said, but American troops will not be deployed in Libya.


Yeah, whaddaya call the guys in the Hornets off Enterprise, idiot?

Personally, I'm hung like my mother, but I got a set of nuts that's gold plated cast iron. Hey, Barry, I'll trade you when it comes time to negotiate the new budget with the Republicans. I am so sick of him.

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