Thursday, March 24, 2011

So ...

I hope nobody still believes Libya is a humanitarian mission:


[British Prime Minister David] Cameron's foreign secretary, William Hague, was evasive during a heated BBC interview Monday about whether Gadhafi would or could be assassinated.

"I'm not going to speculate on the targets," he said, adding ominously, "that depends on the circumstances at the time."

However, British Defense Secretary Liam Fox insisted Gadhafi was "a legitimate target," underlining how the objectives of the military intervention remain nebulous and obscure outside the corridors of power in Washington, Paris and London.

George Friedman, founder and chief executive officer of the global security consultancy Stratfor, observed: "The long-term goal, unspoken but well understood, is regime change -- displacing -- the government of Gadhafi and replacing it with a new regime built around the rebels ..."


The Libyans are gonna have a new government by the time this is over, come Hell or high water. The no-fly zone was a ruse, just as WMD in Iraq was and, whether this was planned weeks ago or they pulled it out of their asses once they began this adventure, "regime change" is the mission's endgame.

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