Friday, March 11, 2011

Sorry 'bout this Sheen shit...

...but I feel duty-bound to follow up on my prediction in this post:

Here's the statement that might get him locked up:

“I’m really trying to contain myself right now,” Sheen said. “My lawyer wants to come over to my house and take the bullets out of my gun.”

He's been in court several times for domestic abuse. I will ass-yoom he's been found guilty, or at least pleaded no contest, at least once. If so, he's not allowed to have firearms for ten years and it's a felony.


L.A. police search Charlie Sheen's home for firearms

LAPD officers were making sure Sheen was abiding by a restraining order obtained by ex-wife Brooke Mueller that prohibits him from possessing weapons, Eisenman said.

TMZ said a source inside the house said Sheen, his lawyers and several friends were at the dining room table eating hamburgers.

Police said Sheen had not been taken into custody or arrested and added that they would not be releasing any findings.

As soon as the cops left, it must have been amusing to watch his lawyers and friends try to stand up. They probly weighed about 400 lbs each from all his guns they had in their pockets. Heh.

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