Tuesday, March 22, 2011

There's good news too

Political Carnival

Major tea party convention suffers from shrinkage

The post leads off with a video of George Costanza gettin' caught nekkid after being in a cold swimming pool. Heh.

The tea party is shriveling. It is experiencing its own unique little brand of shrinkage. It’s dwindling away, melting like the Wicked Witch in The Wizard of Oz, diminishing in whatever stature it thought it had, whittled down to nearly nothing, slip-slidin’ away… at least if its Tampa, Florida convention is any indication.

This was to be a big shindig, a huge shebang, a real barn burner… except for just a few minor issues: There were no– as in zero– female speakers; “video recorders and audio rendering devices were prohibited and would be grounds for removal without refund;” only about 300 showed up to see a crowd-enticing line-up that included Ron Paul, ClusterFox’s Judge Andrew Napolitano, and Tom “mandatory literacy test” Tancredo; all which resulted in the venue looking a little something like this:

Photo: large room, few people.

It seems as if the 'baggers finally figured out that AV lasts forever, is irrefutable, and capturing their misreality for the ages is not in their best interests.

Hence, their spiffydoodle event turned out to be a colossal dud.

Thank you Lord.

Via Think Progress, where there’s more:

[T]his kind of uber-conservative fare has had no trouble attracting bigger crowds not long ago.

That was then, this is now. Cricket, cricket.

I guess the successful pro-union rallies consisting of of hundreds of thousands who have consistently shown up week after week are coincidental. Comparing the enthusiasm, passion and numbers of those supporting the New Civil Rights Movement to the paltry turnout at the Very Important Tea Party Convention is nothing more than a meaningless exercise in… gloating.

I'll take gloating. We need more gloating where those yingyangs are concerned.

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