Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tomorrow ...

Should be an interesting day. Let's see if we'll hear anything about it in the MSM:


Monday, when Anonymous releases the information on Bank of [America], may be a day that goes down in history as 'the day, the tide turned and the criminals who have destroyed [our] national and international economies,' are finally held to answer to the taxpayers who bailed their asses out, while they continue to cover up this epic illegal transfer of wealth to the top one percent of our nation, and continue daily to fleece Americans which is being given the Good House Keeping Seal of Approval by Ben Bernanke, and the Federal Reserve.


I got a $20 bill that says Obama/Holder/Bernanke try to sweep this under the rug post haste. In case that plan goes to shit, they will stall investigations until we forget about it. I'm pretty confident, judging from the track record, that nobody's going to jail here either.

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